Sygil Wine Packaging

What inspired Sygil wine…

Sygil is a made-up California winery with a focus on red varietals. Sygil evokes the dark mystery and the magic-making that is the process of wine-making. One of the co-founders having always been fascinated with anything related to magic, witches, and alchemy found that the marks the sommerlier was making on the barrels of aging wine reminded them of the practice of sigil-making.

That’s where the name sygil was born and why each bottle has it’s own unique sigil. Wine is a little bit earthy, a little bit of mystery, and whole lot of magic. Sygil makes wine that is dark, moody, and pure magic.

What is a Sigil?

A sigil is a symbol with a mystical or magical meaning. The term sigil derives from the Latin sigillum, meaning “seal” and it is the root of many other English words such as “signature,” “sign,” and “signal.”

I used the following phrases to create the phrases on each of the wine bottles.

“I am healthy.”

“I manifest wealth.”

“I am full of joy.”

The chocolate has the phrase “My life is sweet” written as a sigil.


Corvidae Roastery


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